To find your entity settings, go to the "Configure" section in the left menu bar. Then, select Options > Entity. Here, you have the following options:
Custom System Content
Entity Fields
Old features
Let's break down what you can do in each section.
Under General, you can:
Set your accounting basis as either cash or accrual by choosing from the drop-down selector
Select the type of sales tax that applies to your entity
Select your industry (which is vital for benchmarking)
Select your entity type (which is critical for non-profit organizations)
Select your default reporting view (prior month or current month)
Select your preferred date format (MM-DD-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY)
Select the day your week starts on for reporting purposes
Select your location
Indicate your reporting currency
Decide between a symbol, code, or no symbol as your currency symbol
Choose your currency recon method (equity or P&L)
Indicate if you would like to display units and, if so, how (e.g., with the words "Hundreds" or "Thousands")
Here, you can select your default Layouts for your Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet.
Here, you can select the following:
Your VAT/GST period
VAT/GST month end
VAT/GST payable after
VAT/GST payable date
Default VAT/GST rate %
Default period
Default VAT/GST account
VAT/GST basis
Custom System Content
Here, you can enable or disable System Manual Journals and Syftem Manual Accounts.
Entity Fields
In this section, you can see any entity fields that have been created.
Old features
Here, you can find legacy Syft features that have been discontinued to make room for better features.