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Analyze your customer and product sales data on Syft

Nikhita avatar
Written by Nikhita
Updated over 2 months ago

Who can use this feature

Roles: Owner, Admin, Staff, Client, Investor and optional on custom roles

Plans: Available on Professional and Advanced

About Sales

Getting a clear visual sense of your sales data according to customers.

To find the Customers table, navigate to Analyze. Under Sales, you will find Customers and Products on the left menu bar. These tabs provide information about sales by customer and product.

The customers table looks at all customers in a table with key sales information across revenue, product, and discounts with comparison to prior periods. You can toggle between nominal values or percentages.

πŸ““ Note

The tables within Customer and Product are based on invoice data from the provider. This means that the tables would not pull through as expected if the entity is set to cash basis, especially when the invoice is raised and paid in different periods. If the invoice is raised and paid in the same period, the table would pull through the data correctly.



Navigate to "Analyze" > "Sales" > "Customers" and click on the "Standard" top tab. Here, you will find a table that details customer sales information for any period that you select within the global date selector at the top of your page. The following metrics are displayed in your customer sales standard table:

  • Number of sales per customer

  • Number of unique products ordered by each customer

  • Total number of products ordered by each customer

  • Net revenue generated by each customer

  • Tax per customer

  • Discount value given to each customer

  • Refund value given to each customer

  • Amount due per customer

  • Average revenue per sale for each customer

  • Growth in sales per customer

  • Growth in revenue per customer

πŸ’‘ Pro tip

When the entity is set to Accrual Basis, the invoice date is used. Cash Basis will only show the the invoice once the invoice has been paid.


Navigate to "Analyze" > "Sales" > "Customers" and click on the "Multi-Period" top tab. Here, you will find a table that details customer sales information across multiple periods. Select the type of period you would like to compare within the global date selector at the top of your page. You can choose one of the following metrics to measure and compare for your customers across multiple periods:

  • Number of sales

  • Unique items

  • Total items

  • Net revenue

  • Discounts

  • Refunds

  • Average revenue per sale



Navigate to "Analyze" > "Sales" > "Products" and click on the "Standard" top tab. Here, you will find a table that details product sales information for any period that you select within the global date selector at the top of your page. The following metrics are displayed in your product sales standard table:

  • SKU (stock-keeping unit) per product

  • Product quantity sold

  • Number of unique customers buying that product

  • Net revenue generated by that product

  • Tax per product

  • Discount value given per product

  • Purchase cost per product

  • Gross profit per product

  • Growth in quantity sold for each product

  • Growth in revenue per product


Navigate to "Analyze" > "Sales" > "Products" and click on the "Multi-Period" top tab. Here, you will find a table that details product sales information across multiple periods. Select the type of period you would like to compare within the global date selector at the top of your page. You can choose one of the following metrics to measure and compare for your products across multiple periods:

  • Quantity sold

  • Unique customers

  • Net revenue

  • Discounts

  • Purchase cost

  • Gross profit

Within the "Multi-Period" view, you can select the number of periods to view from the period dropdown

Sales tools

All sales tools can be used for the standard and multi-period view within "Analyze" > "Customers" and "Analyze" >"Products" unless otherwise stated.


You can filter your customer and product data within the standard and multi-period view. by clicking on the filter dropdown, as shown in the image below.

πŸ’‘ Pro tip

You can click on any column heading and it will filter the information from highest to lowest value for that metric.


You also have the ability to group your sales metrics by specific tags or other groups. For instance, you may want to group customers by their payment status within the "Group by" dropdown, as shown in the image below.


Tagging your customers is useful as it enables you to assign certain customer data to account managers, locations, or value bands which makes it easier to segment the data set. Some examples of customer tags include:

  • Account manager: Assign account managers to each customer to track sales performance per manager

  • Location: Use location tags to group your sales data by region - either globally (e.g. UK) or regionally (e.g. New York).

  • Value: Tags such as "High value" or "VIP" help you keep track of the behaviour of your top customers

To assign a tag to a customer or product, hover over the customer or product line under the "Tags" column and click "Click to assign tag". You will be able to create a new tag or choose from a selection of pre-made tags.

πŸ’‘ Pro tip

This information can be analyzed according to either a standard or multi-period view. Within multi-period view, you can also segment your data according to a specific variable, and you can switch on the option to detect outliers.


The Customer and Product multi-period tables have a form of anomaly detection known as outliers. Enabling the detection of outliers means that Syft will filter and highlight numbers that are outside of 2.5 standard deviations from the mean (basically, values that are very different from the other values).

Click on the "Detect outliers" icon, highlighted in the image below. The outliers in your data will then be highlighted in red for you to investigate.

πŸ““ Note

All values have a drill down functionality where you can click on the value and view the transactions that make up that value to investigate what makes up the total.

This can be useful when it comes to identifying unusual occurrences in your sales to prevent you from having false expectations inspired by these outliers. Once you have identified outliers in your sales data, it's worth investigating what happened in these cases and then perhaps excluding these from sales forecasts.

The most common cause of outliers is forced sales in response to shelf-life concerns. If a business decides to sell its products – say cheeses – at a lower market price so that they are all sold before they go off rather than having to dispose of this unsold stock, then this will create outliers in their sales data.

Causes of outliers

Other common causes of sales outliers include:

  • The addition of new customers

  • Disruptions in supply caused by increase in sales, breakdown of production equipment, delay in imports, lack of raw materials

  • Advance sales prior to an increase in price, a product shortage or a potential natural disaster which people may want to stockpile for

  • New competitors entering the market

Whatever the cause of the outlier, it's worth identifying and understanding why it happened so that you know what to do when planning for future demand. I hope you will find these features useful when it comes to analyzing sales and making decisions accordingly.

Stripe entity


Navigate to "Analyze" > "Subscriptions" to analyze your subscription metrics by plan, by customer and take a look at customer activity. The functionality within "Analyze" is the same as the functionality within other "Analyze" tools mentioned in this article!


You can find customer and product information in the "Analyze" section as a sub-tab. Here you can tag data according to regions, cities or specific customer verticals you sell to. Then, you can segment these by tag. For example, you could focus on a specific region to see how sales fared there compared to your other regions.

When it comes to product analysis, you are able to analyze:

  • Which products have I sold over the period

  • How many of each product have I sold over the period

  • How many of these products do I have on hand

  • What is happening with my product sales over time

You can also see how customers have trended over time using the multi-period view.


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