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Use Syft's comprehensive tools and views to analyze your financials with ease

Nikhita avatar
Written by Nikhita
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature

Roles: Owner, Admin, Staff and optional on custom roles

Plans: Available on Standard, Plus, Advanced and Scale

About Financials

Unlock the power of "Financials" with an array of cutting-edge tools at your disposal. Analyze your data from every conceivable angle with unparalleled empowerment. Explore your data across various dimensions; including different time periods, entities, divisions and comparisons against prior periods or budgets. With intuitive sorting, filtering and drill-down capabilities, you can uncover valuable insights and trends within your financial data. Additionally, we enable easy exporting of data or inclusion in report templates in one click!


There are various ways Syft enables you to view each of your reports in "Financials", found as top tabs at the top of your page:

  • Standard: A standard view has 4 columns that cannot be changed which are:

    • Current period

    • Prior period

    • Variance

    • Variance %

  • Multi-Period: analyze multiple periods of your report, depending on the type of period you have chosen in the global date selector. It can be useful to see your reports across multiple periods as comparing these periods to each other will enable you to discover trends over time. You can see trends on the far right hand-side of the screen. You can then work on understanding what is driving these trends and better plan for the future.

  • Multi-Entity: You can use the multi-entity view to see each underlying entity in your consolidation as a separate column, as well as the total consolidation. This view shows you the actuals for the period. You can see any eliminations that you’ve done as well.

  • Divisional: use the divisional view to compare your report across specific divisions within your entity

  • Build: use this view to configure your columns for your Balance Sheet or P&L

Global date selector

The global date selector is found at the top of your screen on every page within "Financials". Change the type of period and the specific periods that you want to apply to your reports. There are multiple period options including daily, monthly, weekly, annually or choose one of our advanced or custom date ranges.

Download, Favourite, Add to a report

At the top right of every page found in "Financials" is a set of tools shown below:

  • Download: click the down-facing arrow to download the report as an excel, word or PDF document. You can also download it as a Syft report on its own.

  • Presentation mode: click the TV icon to display the report in full-screen

  • Add to template: click the "+" icon to add the report to a report template

  • Read a help article: click the "?" to be directed you to a help article specifically for the report that you are in

  • Add to favorites: click the heart icon to add the report under the favourites section in the side menu


Within each report, you can make comparisons to the prior period (depending on the type of period you have selected in the global date selector), prior period in the last year, forecasts or budgets.

On the right-hand side of your standard view page you will see a variance (between the current period and your chosen comparison) and variance percentage column. There is also an arrow showing whether that variance is positive or negative.


You can sort your columns from highest to lowest or vice versa by clicking the heading of any of column.

Filter for divisions

You can filter your reports for divisions (either a single division or multiple) by clicking on “Divisions” or by clicking on the "Divisional" top tab. Divisions are: tracking options in Xero, classes for QuickBooks and analysis codes in Sage.


You have drill-down functionality. So if you click on a number, you can drill down into the transactions that make up that figure.

Profit and Loss

Visualize all income and expense accounts with comparisons to previous periods, forecasts or budgets. Compare you income statement across multiple periods, multiple entities or multiple divisions and choose which P&L layout you would like to apply depending on the rows and account grouping configuration you would like to see.

Additionally, customize your statement with highly editable columns and data types within the "Build P&L" top tab. Change or add columns within your P&L such as adding actuals, budgets, forecasts or equation columns where you can apply arithmetic operations to multiple columns. The Layout you choose will then be applied to your Build P&L.

Navigate to "Financials" > "Profit and Loss" > "Profit and Loss". The image below describes how to use the budget comparison within the Standard view. You can select which budget you would like to use in your comparison and whether you would like to use the period budget or total budget values.

To change to a custom layout click on 🔨 icon to switch to your P&L layout and click on the drop down to assign a different layout to your P&L. You can then choose from one of the custom layouts you have created or you can select "No custom layout".


Here’s a quick overview of the EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization) statement. You can create a custom P&L layout for your EBITDA report by clicking on the 🔨 icon where you can configure your rows and account groups as you would in Build P&L.

📓 Note

This report is mapped according to your chart of accounts.

Navigate to "Financials" > "Profit and Loss" > "EBITDA".

View multiple periods of your EBITDA statement by clicking on the "multi-Period" top tab. The standard view is a total EBITDA statement including the EBITDAs of any or all divisions. Report for one or multiple divisions by clicking on the "Divisions" top tab or by clicking the the "Divisions" button to also filter your standard view by certain divisions.

Balance Sheet

Visualize all assets, liabilities and equity accounts with comparisons to previous periods, forecasts or budgets. Compare you Balance Sheet across multiple periods, multiple entities or multiple divisions and choose which Balance Sheet layout you would like to apply depending on the rows and account grouping configuration you would like to see.

Additionally, customize your Balance Sheet with highly editable columns and data types within the "Build BS" top tab. Change or add columns within your Balance Sheet such as adding actuals, budgets, forecasts or equation columns where you can apply arithmetic operations to multiple columns. The Layout you choose will then be applied to your Build BS.

Navigate to "Financials" > "Balance Sheet" > "Balance Sheet". The image below shows a comparison selection to the prior year using the comparison drop down; where April 2024 is compared to April 2023. The variance between these two columns and the variance % is shown in the standard view.

Working Capital

In the face of rapidly-changing business models and disruption, working capital is a fundamental element that businesses can easily lose track of, but with Syft’s working capital report, you don’t need to worry.

Working capital is defined as an entity's ability to settle short-term debt. With Syft’s working capital report you can visualize current assets and current liabilities to view net working capital with comparisons to previous periods. Click on the 🔨 icon to edit your balance sheet layout in order to change the formatting of your rows within the working capital report.

Navigate to "Financials" > "Balance Sheet" > "Working Capital".

💡 Pro tip

Current Assets - Current Liabilities, excluding deferred tax = your business's liquidity.

Assess your business’s liquidity with Syft’s working capital report and make sure that you are able to pay for short term obligations.

Changes in Equity

The statement of changes in equity explains the changes in a company's equity over a reporting period. This typically includes changes to share capital, reserves, and retained earnings. By default, this is a 12 period view but you can select the number of periods you would like to see by clicking on the period drop down.

The statement of changes in equity consists of any changes to the following accounts:

  • Equity: Ordinary share capital

  • Preference shares: Preference share capital

  • Other equity: All other equity types

  • Retained earnings: Amounts retained by the company from prior years (includes taxes and dividends)

Navigate to "Financials" > "Balance Sheet" > "Changes in Equity".

📓 Note

The columns included in Syft's changes in equity report are dependent on how you classify your share capital, retained earnings and other equity. The columns included in the report will only be the totals allocated to a specific classification. Click on the 🔨 icon to switch to your balance sheet layout in order to check which classifications are assigned to your equity accounts in your balance sheet.

Trial Balance

A trial balance lists all accounts, the associated Chart of Accounts classification and the amounts per period (in either single or double column format). Syft's trial balance report is a combination of your Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet accounts in a single report. It is cumulative, year to date,and all debits must equal the credits in the report.

Navigate to "Financials" > "Balance Sheet" > "Trial balance". A Multi-Period view is shown in the image below.

You can switch between a double column (debit & credit) view and a single column view by clicking the dropdown highlighted in the image above. If you switch to a single column view, debits are indicated as positive and credits as negative. This report is laid out in the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet ordering. You then have an accounts category column and the Syft classification column from your chart of accounts.

Cash Flow


The cash flow statement direct is a cash flow statement that works from the bottom up.

The starting point for the direct cash flow statement is cash amounts received and paid (cash in and cash out). The statement uses a custom chart of accounts .

💡 Pro tip

This statement is based on your Chart of Account setup to identify types of income, expenses, equity, assets and liabilities.

Operating cash includes flows from customers, suppliers and employees.

You can use this statement to analyze actual cash received and cash paid as well as non-operational expenditure. It's divided into three areas:

  • Operations: such as sales of products or services, supplies or materials bought, business expenses and employee salaries

  • Investing: such as assets bought or sold and loans paid or collected

  • Financing: such as those involving stocks, bonds or dividends

You can see whether you are making money from operations, whether you're having to borrow from financing or sell assets from investing, and whether you have enough cash flow in your business.

Navigate to "Financials" > "Cash Flow" > "Direct" and click on the "Standard" top tab. There is also a "Multi-Period" top tab view available.

💡 Pro tip

Check out the "Free Cash Flow" line, which is operating and investing opportunities minus any interest paid or received to see whether your business is generating money outside of financing activities.


The indirect method for a cash flow statement is a way to present data that shows how much money a business spent or made during a certain period and from what sources. It takes the company's net income and adds or deducts balance sheet items to determine cash flow.

Navigate to "Financials" > "Cash Flow" > "Indirect". There is also a "Multi-Period" top tab view available, shown below.


KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are a set of quantifiable measurements used to gauge a company's overall long-term performance. They can help you identify your business's strategic, financial, and operational achievements, particularly in comparison to other businesses in the same sector.

KPIs measure your business success according to a specific set of targets, objectives or industry peers. Financial KPIs include net profit, revenues minus certain expenses or the current ratio (liquidity and cash availability). They can also be more anecdotal measurements, such as employee retention, repeat customers, foot traffic in a shop or the quality of customer experience. These metrics vary between companies and industries depending on what is valued in your particular industry or business.

Navigate to "Financials" > "KPIs" and click on the "Standard" top tab.

All of the ratios from Profit & Loss and the Balance Sheet are available under KPIs either in single period or multi-period view. Under KPIs, you will find profitability, liquidity, solvency, DuPont analysis and any custom KPIs that you have added. These categories are editable and you can adjust the ratios as well as add more ratios into these categories.

How to add a KPI

To add a new KPI, click "Add KPI" where you will be able to create an equation that calculates and measures your KPI. Click on "P&L Account", "Balance Sheet Account" or "Connection Data" to add a specific metric to your equation. You will also have the option to select a format (Amount, Number, Percentage, Days, Times, Ratio) and choose whether an increase in this KPI is favorable or unfavorable.

💡 Pro tip

When you are creating an equation for your KPI you can also type "@" and start typing the specific metric or account you are looking for.

You can edit your existing KPIs by clicking the pencil icon on the far right of the page. You can edit the name, category, equation, explanation, format and whether an increase is favorable or unfavorable. Remember to click "Save".

These KPIs will then be pulled through to your financial health score and to your Dashboard cards.

At the very bottom of the page underneath "add KPI", you'll see the KPI explanation. You can click on the little dropdown arrow and there will be explanations for all of the various ratios here. This will include any custom ratios that you have created.

Stripe entity

If you click on the "Revenue" sub-tab, you will see a table with a summary of all the key metrics for your subscription business. You can see all your revenue broken down into existing and new, as well as reactivations, expansions, contractions, churn and FX impacts.

You can also drill down further by clicking on the dropdown arrows next to certain metrics. For example, if you click on the arrow next to Expansions, you will be able to see quantity increases, price increases, upgrades, and discount decreases.

You can also examine rates:

  • The growth rate

  • Retention rate

  • Churn rate

And you can examine unit economics such as:

  • Lifetime value

  • Average revenue per user (ARPU)

  • Quick ratio

At the bottom of the table, you can see your cash flow represented. You also have the option to compare to last year’s values so you can get a good sense of how your business is doing over time. Moreover, if you would like to analyze these metrics over a longer period of time, you can use the Multi-Period view.

The "Cash Flow" sub-tab includes your charges, deductions, net volume and payouts; and it has the same standard and multi-period views.

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