Who can use this feature
Roles: Admin, Owner, Staff, Client and optional on custom roles
Plans: Available on Standard, Plus, Advanced (with greater functionality on Plus and Advanced)
Are you ready to revolutionize the way you manage your cash? Brace yourselves because our Cash Manager is leveling up, and the enhancements are mind-blowing! Let's take a look.
Cash Manager provides you with a detailed, real-time overview of your short-term cash position and financial performance based on the data from your accounting provider. With Cash Manager, short-term forecasting, liquidity management, and scenario planning are all in one place. Cash Manager helps you avoid cash flow surprises by automatically generating live daily forecasts by combining your invoices, bills, and cash movements.
Navigate to "Forecast" > "Cash Manager" where you will find 3 sub-tabs:
Overview: A live daily forecast of your cash position. This is the summary screen, where you can set your horizon (up to 90 days), add adjustments, set an overdraft facility, or include/exclude certain cash accounts. You can also choose how you would like to visualize your cash forecast.
Cash In: A detailed transaction list of all invoices, recurring invoices, or once-off inflows that impact the cash flow forecast.
Cash Out: The same as Cash In, except for recurring bills or once-off outflows.
How it works
Syft’s Cash Manager provides you with a live snapshot of your cash position. It does so by analyzing all bills and invoices from the last 90 days. Syft then generates the following drivers of cash:
Existing Invoices: Using existing invoices from your underlying provider, Syft will use AI prediction to estimate the payment date of a customer’s invoice based on their historic payment patterns over the last 90 days. AI prediction is activated by default, but can be toggled off under "Options". AI prediction can be overridden by entering a manual adjustment to either:
A specific invoice’s due date
A specific customer’s payment terms
💡 Pro Tip
To set the expected payment date to the invoice due date, use the invoice override to adjust the due date to 0 days.
Existing Bills: Using existing bills from your underlying provider, Syft will use AI prediction to estimate the cash outflow using the same methodology as "Invoices" above.
Once off cash in/out: Syft allows manual adjustments to be made to Cash Manager as once-off transactions.
Recurring Cash In/Out: Recurring cash is split into two types:
Recurring transactions that have been manually created in Cash Manager
Recurring transactions that Syft predicts using AI predictions:
Syft will analyze transactions over the last 90 days and group transactions based on similarities, using description, account, value, and contact to determine similarity. Syft will then analyze those transaction groups to see where there have been recurring transactions, defined as at least one transaction per month for at least two consecutive months.
Where Syft AI predicts recurring transactions, Syft will continue their recurrence into the future and include the transactions in your cash forecast. The date of the future recurring transaction will be based on Syft’s analysis of the timing pattern between transactions. You are not able to edit any of the predicted transactions, however, you can disable them should you not wish to see them in your cash forecast. If Syft predicts a recurring transaction, it will first check if there is already an invoice for that customer. If there is, Syft will not include the prediction in the forecast.
The Overview section is the nerve center of your cash position. Navigate to Forecast > Cash Manager and click on the Overview sub-tab. Under Overview, you can access all the vital information you need at a glance.
On first navigation, you will be presented with the following:
Tiles indicating the predicted cash movements as well as the current cash balance
A detailed cash in, cash out graph
A side panel with your cash runway and cash buffer alongside your balance breakdown
💡 Pro tip
Cash runway is the time until you reach a zero cash balance. Cash buffer is the time until you reach a zero cash balance, assuming you don't get any more cash in.
You are able toggle between three different perspectives, giving you a clear picture of your cash inflows and outflows:
Graph view - a beautiful graph
Table view - a tabular representation of the information
Calendar view - where you can see the daily timeline of your cash flows
Each visual supports drill down, so you can click on the visual and be taken to a list of transactions that make up the underlying balances for that period.
Within Overview, you can toggle between the Cash-in and Cash-out, Balance, and Net Movement views to focus on the most important or impactful perspective to your business.
Integrate your calendar
📓 Note
This integration is available on the Advanced plan. For more about plans, visit our pricing page.
Sync Syft to your Google, Apple or Microsoft Outlook Calendar so you'll be notified about expected cash in- or outflows alongside your usual calendar events. To access this feature, navigate to Cash Manager -> Overview. You will see that at the far right-hand side of your screen, there's a button that says "Integrate calendar."
If you click on that, you'll be prompted to connect Cash Manager to your calendar software. Simply copy the link provided and you'll see a calendar event download and your cash flow information will be connected to your calendar. Now, whenever you consult your calendar, you'll be able to see when you can expect cash to be flowing out of your business.
Note 📝: The syncing time will depend on the particular calendar that you have connected. So, there may be a slight delay in connection depending on your calendar of choice.
Add cash transactions
If you want to add a once-off or recurring cash transaction, click the "Add Cash" button. Here you input all the details and save the transaction.
If you are working in a consolidation, you will have to select the entity you would like the transaction to apply to. Note that the transaction will also show in the underlying entity’s separate cash manager.
Select bank accounts
To exclude any bank accounts in your cash manager, simply click on "Options", select "Bank accounts" and exclude the accounts from the dropdown provided.
Adjust forecast horizon
You have the ability to set the cash forecast horizon from 1 day to 90 days. If you would like to modify your horizon, simply click on "Options" and choose "Graph". Here you can change the horizon.
Adjust your bank balances
Cash Manager allows you to adjust your cash balance in instances where the data from your accounting provider may not be up to date. You can adjust the total bank balance or specific bank accounts - the choice is yours! You can adjust the balance in any currency you wish. Making an adjustment will impact the opening bank balance and therefore your projections, cash runway and cash buffer.
To remove an adjustment, navigate to the same screen and use the trash icons to clear the values.
Add an overdraft facility
Do you have an overdraft facility that you want to be included in your cash projections? Look no further than our Cash Manager! We recognize that you do not record the details of any overdraft facility in your underlying accounting provider and have provided the ability to do so in Syft. To do so, navigate to "Options" and "Overdraft". Here you can enter an overdraft per account or overall.
To remove an overdraft, navigate to the same screen and use the trash icons to clear the values.
Overdraft graphed
If you're on the Plus and Advanced plans, you can see whether your expected cash flow is negative but within your overdraft facility or whether it is exceeding your overdraft. To see this, navigate to Overview and select Balance from the drop-down menu above the graph.
How to tell how you're faring? It's simple:
If your graph line is green, that means that your cash is above 0.
If the line is orange, that means that your cash is negative but still within the overdraft.
If the line is red, your cash is negative and exceeds your overdraft.
You'll also see that the overdraft limit is indicated by a tag on the left-hand side of the graph.
Control AI predictions
Syft’s Cash Manager uses AI predictions to inform expected payment dates of customers and suppliers as well as predict future transactions. If you would like these AI predictions turned off, you can navigate to "Options" and "AI prediction" to toggle each setting off.
Cash In
Under Cash In, you can choose to view invoices, recurring or once-off transactions from the selectors at the top of the screen.
Under Invoices, you can see all the invoices you've created in your underlying accounting provider. Syft uses AI prediction to estimate a payment date of the invoice based on the previous payment history of the customer, if there is a payment history. If there is no payment history, the expected date will be the invoice due date.
There are different cards across the top of the screen to indicate invoices expected to be settled today, in the next 7 days or in the next 8-30 days, as well as invoices expected to be overdue. You will see both the number of invoices and their numeric value. This can help you plan to avoid cash shortfalls and determine which customers to prioritize for debt collection.
The Invoices tab allows you to toggle between current and overdue invoices, assessing each invoice's expected due date and status. This empowers you to zoom in on invoices that may need to be written off and make plans accordingly.
If you want to override the AI prediction for a specific customer, you can make customer adjustments to set customer-specific payment terms. This will apply the adjustment to all invoices with that customer.
If you’d rather override a specific invoice only, you can do so by clicking on the pencil next to an invoice. Here you can set specific payment terms for that invoice.
If you make an adjustment, an icon will appear next to the applicable transactions, which you can hover over to see further details.
Recurring invoices
Under the Recurring section, you can see all recurring invoices you have manually created as well as those that have been predicted by Syft's AI engine. Syft’s AI predictions work as described above. You can toggle between a current and historical view, depending on where you'd like to focus your attention.
You will also have the same cards as "Invoices", showing an aging of what is due to you.
If you want to make adjustments to manually created recurring transactions, you can do so using the same method as the "Invoices" section. Note that you cannot make customer-level adjustments in the recurring section. You can only adjust specific transactions.
You can't edit AI-predicted transactions. Instead, you can delete or exclude unwanted predictions.
Once-off invoices
Once-off transactions are added manually instead of pulling through from your underlying provider.
The Once-off section shows once-off cash transactions alongside the date on which they are expected to be paid. Here, you can toggle between current and historical views, add cash and easily see any invoices that are expected to be paid tomorrow, in the next week or in the next month.
Any quotes that you have on Xero, QuickBooks Online, or Sage will pull through to the Quotes sub-tab under Cash In. You choose which quotes you would like to include in Cash Manager's calculations, find all the relevant details of the quote and include the conversion rate for that customer, which will then reflect as a neat color-coded graph.
You can arrange your view according to total value, average conversion, or expiration by using the tiles above the table. You can also group the table by customer and toggle between a current view and a view of expired quotes.
📓 Note
This feature is available on the Advanced plan for customers using Xero, QuickBooks Online or Sage.
Customer view
Navigate to Forecast > Cash Manager > Cash In to see your cash transactions categorized according to customer.
Once in this table view, you can hone in on specific customers to see how transactions with them are affecting your cash flow.
This view enables you to assess who you may need to contact to ask for invoices to be paid before needing to write them off.
Cash Out
Under Cash Out, you will find bills, recurring bills and once-off transactions.
Bills includes all bills created in your data provider with a clear breakdown of the supplier, due date, amount, reference, expected date of payment and status. Syft uses AI prediction to estimate a payment date of a bill based on your previous payment history to that supplier, if there is a payment history.
If there is no payment history, the expected date will be the bill’s due date. Similar to invoices, you can make adjustments to specific suppliers to reflect information you are aware of or adjust specific bills only. You can also toggle between current and overdue bills.
Recurring bills
Similarly to the Cash In section, manually created recurring cash-out transactions are shown, as well as those which are automatically detected using AI, based on your transaction history. You can clearly see when these bills are due to be paid, as well as the typical frequency of payments to each supplier.
Once-off cash-out transactions are reflected in the Once-off tab, which works very similarly to the Once-off section in Cash In. Once-off transactions should be added manually where you'd like to make an adjustment to your cash outflows.
Supplier view
Navigate to Forecast > Cash Manager > Cash Out to see your cash transactions categorized according to supplier.
Once in this table view, you can focus on specific suppliers to see how transactions with them are affecting your cash flow.
This view empowers you to zero in on specific suppliers to determine who you may need to contact to ask for repayment terms to be extended or otherwise renegotiated.
Unlock insights with prediction drill-down
One of the most exciting additions to Cash Manager is the ability to use drill-down on AI-generated predictions. What does this mean? Within Recurring for Cash In or Cash Out, if you hover over the prediction tag, you are prompted to click and you can see the transactions that contribute to the prediction. So, you can see exactly where the predictions come from and unlock a greater understanding of your cash projections.
Closing thoughts
As any business owner knows, cash is king and planning for potential cash inflows and outflows ahead of time can help you improve supplier relations, keep tabs on customers who owe you money and ensure that you have the cash you need to not only keep your business afloat but also help it thrive.
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