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Xero Payroll

Everything you need to know about Syft's Xero Payroll integration, points and requirements

Nikhita avatar
Written by Nikhita
Updated over a month ago

Who can use this feature

Roles: Owner, Admin, Staff, Client

Plans: Available on Standard, Plus and Advanced

How to connect Xero Payroll to Syft

Choose the relevant entity from "Home" or use the dropdown selector; completing this process for entity X will pull through entity X’s payroll data.

Navigate to "Connections", click "Add connection", click "Payroll" and select Xero Payroll. You will be prompted to re-authorize your Xero entities which will initiate the data fetch for the payroll data.

Integration Requirements

To ensure a smooth integration between Syft and Xero Payroll, the following conditions must be met:

  • Matching Entities: The accounting entity on Syft and its matching payroll connection must correspond to the same entity (and organization) on Xero.

  • User Access: The user authorizing the payroll connection on Syft must have access to the payroll portion of the organization on Xero. Without this access, the payroll API cannot be accessed.

  • Entity Selection on Syft: When connecting payroll, the user must have the same entity on Syft selected as the one being connected on Xero. The entity must be selected on Syft when adding Xero payroll. Once the initial set up (data fetch) is complete, the connection can then be shared acorss entities as normal.

By ensuring these requirements are met, users can successfully authorize and integrate Xero Payroll with Syft, enabling seamless payroll management and data synchronization.

Important to note

Syft requires that you already have your Xero accounting entity already on Syft beforehand. The entity must have completed its setup on Syft i.e. the entity cannot still be loading data from Xero in its initial setup.

Xero Payroll connections can only be added on the matching Xero entity on Syft. After the initial setup is complete the connection can be shared with other entities.

📓 Note

Departmental data will not be pulled through to Syft which means that a single “Totals” connection will be created.

Xero Permissions

To authorize any API connection, the Xero user must meet the following role requirements:

  • Standard or Adviser Role: The user must have either the Standard or Adviser role in (Payroll or Accounting) to authorise any API connection.

  • Payroll Administrator: Only users with payroll administrator access (payroll admin role) can authorize access to payroll endpoints.

Scopes Used

Connecting your Xero Payroll account to Syft involves specific permissions and roles. This section outlines the necessary scopes and requirements for a successful integration.

When authorizing the payroll connections on Xero, the following scopes will be shown to you:

  • "openid": Indicates that the Syft application intends to use the user’s identity.

  • "profile": Includes the user's first name, last name, full name and Xero user ID.

  • "email": Accesses the user's email address.

  • "offline_access": Grants a refresh token for long-term access without requiring the user to log in again.

  • "": Allows viewing of the company's employees.

  • "": Allows viewing of the pay runs.

  • "": Allows viewing of the pay slips.

  • "accounting.settings": Allows viewing and modification of the organization settings.

  • "": Allows viewing of the organization settings.


With our Xero Payroll integration, Syft automatically imports key payroll data tailored to your region unlocking deeper insights into fields like employee count, wages, deductions, reimbursements and net pay for a streamlined experience. The region specific fields that are imported are listed below:


  • Employee Count

  • Wages

  • Deductions

  • Tax

  • Superannuation

  • Reimbursement

  • Net Pay

United Kingdom

  • Employee Count

  • Total Earnings

  • Gross Earnings

  • Total Cost

  • Total Pay

  • Employer Taxes

  • Employee Taxes

  • Deductions

  • Reimbursements

  • Court Orders

  • Benefits

  • Pensions

New Zealand

  • Employee Count

  • Total Earnings

  • Gross Earnings

  • Total Cost

  • Total Pay

  • Employer Taxes

  • Employee Taxes

  • Deductions

  • Reimbursements

  • Statutory Deductions

  • KiwiSaver

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